Monday, July 8, 2013

Still Going

Currently my dad is in Alaska climbing Mount Mckinley, which is the highest peak in North America. As I mentioned in a previous post, my dad and I love to climb and hike. That wasn’t always the case, but now it has become a real passion of mine! Every step I take while climbing, I think about how far I have come. I am so grateful for this body I have. It can do great things. Our bodies are gifts that are usually taken for granted. I know that while I was deep in my eating disorder that is exactly what I did. I took my body for granted. For a while, it took a real beating. But look at me now! I am lucky enough to do something I love. All the credit goes to this body of mine. It really is incredible and I am so grateful. I hope this doesn’t give off the impression that my body is just as strong as it was before my eating disorder. Its not. As you can see in the picture I broke my arm playing volleyball, BUT I still have a smile on my face!

Also lets all wish my dad best of luck with his climb!
